
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Clash The Bat

Character concept for Clash The Bat. Kind of a Wiley fellow, very fast flyer and a "hunter" of sorts. I want him to belong in my story so I'm going to try to stick him in somewhere. I am also using him for my flight animation test.

Keep following, like, share. Enjoy!

The Muffin Man!

Now we all know the muffin man. Who lives on Drury Lane. We also know that all good Chefs must sample their foods to determine quality. Quality of life that is! He has deemed their souls DELICIOUS!

Inked Walk Cycle

Walk cycle animation test for a Gorilla. Had uploaded the draft before but now its inked and looks a little different. Runs longer for better look and examination.

Enjoy, Follow and leave a comment. :)

More to come

Sorry for not posting anything recent for the last few days. Got some free time today at school so now I got a whole bunch of stuff to post tomorrow. Some of this things will include( no spoilers):

Character and animation concepts'

Inked animation

Animation test

Keep following, stay up to date and follow my tumblr while your at it.

MowBraythegreat on tumblr.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rukon The Ork

Inspired from my love for Orcs or Orks, whichever fantasy universe you hail from. Planned originally to be used in an upcoming story I've been developing but he will also be used for my D&D sessions that will start tomorrow. A name is not yet official for this beloved green skin but I'm thinking either Rukon or whatever other Orky name I can think of.

A little back story for this guy is that he is an inhabitant of the floating island beast , Gal'Dorath(one of the main locations in The Story of Gal'Dorath). Orks are aggressive by nature, usually war mongering, green and respect strength above all else in their society. This fellow is as strong as they come but unlike other Orks he does not always seek a good brawl. But when confrontation shows itself, he will not back down. Stoic, peaceful unless disturbed, strong, reliable, honorable: this Ork is one of the main characters in The Story of Gal'Dorath.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back in black, Jeans.

Back from an extended period of no activity. I've been out of practice for art and junk so I'm glad to be in the mood for posting stuff. It probably has something to do with the fact that I'm back in school as well. Taking another animation class and plan on posting more things pretty soon that are both about my sketches and my animation projects. Spread the word of the blog to get some more "crew mates" up in here.
Stay tuned to Pirates of The Mind for more cool artwork.
And a challenge to all! If there are any ideas that you folks have and would like to see me either animate or draw for a project send me some at
Nothing Phallic please, let's keep it relativity clean.

Transformation Test

A brief self related Facial Animation test! This is from my last semester and one of the first animations I had done but I had to re-export because of some file corruption issues.
Enjoy, follow, subscribe and leave a comment!

Animal Walk Cycle

Gorilla walk cycle complete!! Well not totally complete. But it only took me a few days!! Much faster than my previous works!
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